The objectives of sociological aspects of regional planning are:

 - To plan the regional development, and establish a rational basis for the spatial organization(geographic, economic)

 - To improve the living standards and conditions of life of people, at the same time reducing the regional disparities in terms of economic and social development by organizing provisionally the space, based on a prospective voluntarist and concerted  orientation of equipment and activities.

 - To distribute the national or regional space in various human activities according to individual or communities needs.

 - To create, by the rational organization of the space and by installation of appropriate equipments, optimum conditions of soil management and most adapted framework to human development of inhabitants.

 The regional planning has for main purpose to give human beings best working and living conditions, big enough leisure and culture facilities.

 In brief, a far as we are concerned, town and city planning is the science whose main aim the distribution of various human activities in the national or regional space according to individuals and communities needs.